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Animation Duration Controlling Time In Motion

Unlock the Secrets of Animation CSS: Dive into Its Duration and Shorthand Properties

Animation Duration: Controlling Time in Motion

The animation-duration CSS property grants you the power to determine how long an animation should take to complete a single cycle. By setting a duration value, you dictate the pace of your animated effects, creating either swift transitions or languid movements.

It's All in the Details

Specify the duration in seconds or milliseconds. For instance, to set an animation to run for 5 seconds, use animation-duration: 5s. Note that a shorter duration will result in a faster animation, while a longer duration will prolong its execution.

Animation: A Shorthand Approach

The animation CSS property is a versatile shorthand that combines the power of multiple animation properties into a single declaration. It allows you to control not only the duration but also the timing function, iteration count, and direction of your animations.

Unleashing the Shorthand Syntax

To use the animation shorthand, simply list the desired values in the following order:

  • Duration
  • Timing function
  • Iteration count
  • Direction

For example, the following declaration sets an animation to run for 10 seconds, ease in and out, repeat endlessly, and play in reverse after each iteration:

animation: 10s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

Simplify Your Code

By using the animation shorthand, you can streamline your code and reduce redundancy. It's a powerful tool that simplifies the process of creating complex and dynamic animations.

Enhance your website's visual appeal and user experience by mastering the animation-duration and animation CSS properties. Control the pace and execution of your interactive elements, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
